Microsoft Project Standard 2021 (Download)

SKU: 6459393
Manage your projects more efficiently with streamlined project management. The Getting Started screen walks you through basic capabilities to get you up to speed quickly. Familiar automated scheduling helps to reduce inefficiencies and training time.

Features include:

Familiar Charts
Use tools you know like Gantt charts to create schedules with ease and reduce training time.

Use built-in reports to gain insights and track progress on your project.

Multiple Timelines
Built-in multiple timelines let you visually represent complex schedules and understand all aspects of a project.

Task Relationships
Understand task relationships with task path highlighting in Gantt charts.

Auto-populate start and end dates based on dependencies.

Intuitive Baselines
Track and compare actual progress to the original project plan.

Copy to Office Apps
Easily copy project information from Project and paste it into Office apps.